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All-in-one prototyping tool for web and mobile apps
πŸ— Design


All-in-one UI and UX design platform to create UI assets, prototypes and simulations. Create from clickable prototypes to fully-functional simulations, without typing a single line of code. Justinmind provides a full range of tools, so that you can focus on creating delightful user experiences. Testing through simulations will reduce rework and boost user adoption.

Design your UI assets for free, without any restrictions on number of projects. Enjoy all UI design features, from the vector design tool, the pen tool, to pathfinders and more. Design full interactions of your web and mobile products, from the navigation to the last details of the user experience: advanced interactions, animations, transitions, interactive UI elements. Launch easy to use products and boost user adoption.

Create prototypes for websites and web apps that adapt to multiple screen resolutions for desktop and mobile. The UI elements in your screens will also adapt automatically. One free prototyping tool to rule all devices! 


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