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πŸ’¬ Collaboration


People make us laugh, challenge us to improve, support us when things are tough, and celebrate with us once they get better. But being more generous, more responsive, more conscientious, more considerate with those people? That takes effort.

Almost all successful people naturally identify the importance of conscientiousness, spending time and money to remember the most important parts of their careers and lives β€” other people. Personally, we grew tired of endlessly switching apps, of the slapdash nature of maintaining close personal and professional contacts in notes apps and Excel files, DMs and texts. We wanted a more streamlined and thoughtful approach for keeping in touch with our ever-growing network. And after searching and searching for something better, we built it ourselves.

We subscribe to the idea that being thoughtful and helpful with people is still too difficult. It’s something we all know intuitively. To achieve more, to be more successful, to be happier, we need to start thinking about others first.

If you agree, you’re going to love Clay.

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